WOW! You actually looked in here. Well you should be glad you did because I put some important information in here. < ALL FOR FREE!!!! > PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE FILE! It will change your life. Maybe... Ok, here's the deal. I don't like to bore people as much as I don't like to be bored. So here is my proposal. I'll let you use my software for free if you support it. Now I know if you downloaded this file, you probably ARE or at least KNOW someone who is an avid gamer. Well as any gamer knows, tricks are not easy to remember (How many here remember what Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start means hmm? :) ). Back in the nintendo days it was easy to remember a bunch of them (Justin Bailey who?). Well, back when I orignally wrote this software there was basically five systems to play games on: SNES, Genesis, TG-16, and PC. There were a few others like the original Nintendo, or the Game Boy, but they really were dying then. Now it is 1996 and there are a bunch more! Playstation, Saturn, 3DO, PC, the ones mentioned above are still here too, and maybe the U64 will come out one of these days. Thing is, me being an avid gamer myself, we have so many codes for so many different games for so many different systems, we have no idea where to put them all. Well, now we do have somewhere to put them all. It won't even cost you a dime. BUT, you may notice that the games in this program are OLD! I'm talking 1994 stuff here folks. I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO INPUT CODES! I am a college student and have let my subscriptions run out to the various mags I used to get. Some of them have turned pansy on me. (EGM seems to have gone soft). Anyway, what I am asking you to do is this. SEND ME YOUR CODES... PLEASE!! Actually you will get something in return. I will put everyone who wants to do this on a mailing list and every day, or whenever, new codes come in, not only will I add them to my database, I will add them to yours as well. You see this is how this will work: This program is being released on 2/6/1996. Whenever you get this program you should send me an e-mail to I will send you a list of my current database, as well as put you on the mailing list to recieve the updated data as it comes in. If you notice, the data is in a text file now on the hard drive. All you have to do is take the data I send you and append it to the end of your file (or even the begining for that matter). I may write a utility to do it automatically if the need arises. (Too tired to do it now). Sending me a code is easy. Just send it in this format: Game Name Game Company (who makes it?) Game Type (action, adventure, fighting??) Game Systems (what systems is this game found on?) and then enter your codes up to 50 lines and end the codes with The < > are literal. You must enter . Otherwise it will screw up the program. Why ? Why not? Actually I tried using but once I entered a code that had in it. So I changed it to . It is meaningless. Do not try to glean a meaning from it. It does not mean a thing. It is not some secret message telling you to destroy the candy cane. Trust me on this one. It is meaningless. LAST BUT NOT LEAST! Want to change something in the code? Add something? Think you can improve the code? Want the sourse code? Want to discuss the old days of gaming? Have something to get off your chest? Have a neat poem to share? Want to.. well you get the idea. My internet address is I will only be supporting this software through internet E-mail. If you don't have access to the internet then tough. I am not going to try snail mail again. Unless of course you want to pay me to do it. In which case send me $20 in an envelope (do not include return address) to: 232 Broadway St. Jackson Ohio 45640 Don't laugh, I was reading a story about a radio contest where the radio show hosts said something like "To enter a contest send $20 in a plain envelope with no return address to our station". They made like $1000. 'Course they donated it all to charity, (the morons!).... I need to get some sleep now. x